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Donate to Art Displays at the Marin School Entrance
$ .00

We are looking to spruce up the entrance/lobby area of Marin by installing some frames and corkboard on which teachers can display a rotating array of our kids' artwork.

Donate to the Marin School Library
$ .00

The library scrambles for every dollar it can get since there is no district funding for books or supplies. Because kids sometimes need a quiet(ish) and comfy place to go and relax for a few minutes, it is heavily used during recesses and lunch hours. We are looking to install some soft seating for the kids to relax on, and also to purchase more books and supplies.

Pastries, Tea, and Braids with Ms. Silas for Parent & Child
$ .00

One grown-up and one child are invited to come to have pastries and tea with Ms. Silas at Marin School on Sunday, May 12th from 10 to 11:30 AM.  Please bring a hairbrush and detangling spray, if you have it.   After tea, Ms Silas will show you some basics like brushing out hair with less pain, a couple of very easy hair styles, and finally, how to french braid your child's hair.  Parents will have time to practice on their child's hair with support from Ms. Silas.   Special encouragement for dads to come with their child, but any parent (grandparent, caregiver) is welcome.  This is intended for parents who don't yet know how to french braid hair.  

Note: The child should have long enough hair to put into a pony tail.  

Each parent child duo $50 OR pay what you want to support our school from $20 to $100.